Food Safety

Silver lining for poultry cloud

Silver lining for poultry cloud

A recent trial has shown that protecting chicken crates with antimicrobial silver can help reduce the risk of Campylobacter cross-contamination...

Lab is no longer out on a LIM

Lab is no longer out on a LIM

The Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera), a UK-based government organisation, has implemented the Thermo Scientific Nautilus laboratory...

Life after melamine

Life after melamine

With confidence in Chinese food dented in the wake of the melamine scandal, will a new food safety law improve controls? asks Dominique Patton

Spray it again, Sam

Spray it again, Sam

By Rod Addy

Advances in cleaning processes are happening all the time, but minimising costs and being green remain core concerns, says Rod Addy

Stay in safe hands

Stay in safe hands

By Rick Pendrous

Money may be tight but steer clear of cutting corners in the area of food safety, as this could create a raft of new problems. Rick Pendrous reports

Pathogen of least resistance

Pathogen of least resistance

By Hayley Brown

While food safety remains at the forefront of public attention, Hayley Brown explores a range of technologies open to manufacturers

On a Mission

On a Mission

Three of the pubs involved in Sell More, Save More this year have entered a new dimension - with the addition of their own EPoS system.Installed by...

Prove your metal

Prove your metal

By Michelle Knott

As small firms compete against the big boys for retail business, they have to start using the same food safety systems, as Michelle Knott discovers

How clean is your factory?

How clean is your factory?

By Allison Carvalho

Maintaining a clean factory is critical to keep manufacturers out of the headlines and the dock. Allison Carvalho finds out why

Speed is the key

Speed is the key

By Lynda Searby

Pressure to speed up results turnaround and product release is driving developments in testing and analysis technology. Lynda Searby reports

Allergic response

Allergic response

By Michelle Knott

With product recalls for adventitious allergen contamination on the rise, Michelle Knott examines how firms are testing foods to ensure they are clear

It's a bug's life

It's a bug's life

By Rod Addy

In one corner there's the trusty food processor. In the other, massed ranks of bugs, birds and rodents. Let battle commence, says Rod Addy

A clean sweep

A clean sweep

By Rod Addy

Manufacturers have their work cut out to keep pace with new developments in European hygiene legislation. But help is at hand, with new independent advice and training on the cards, says Rod Addy

Systems check

Systems check

By Rick Pendrous

A worrying rise in listeriosis could see calls for hygiene standards in food factories to be raised even higher, as Rick Pendrous discovers

Banish boot rot

Banish boot rot

Wearing air-impermeable shoes and boots in food factories can cause skin problems. Stoko Foot Care is a special skin preparation to help protect feet...

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